Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12th 2011: What am I seeing

God I'm so tired.

This pain is getting unbearable. I swear to god my pain was making me see things today, somehow.
I managed to finish the FCAT today, but I vomited midway. My teacher said she should call the clinic but I just kept saying I was fine. I don't know what is happening to me, or why it's happening all of a sudden. I keep hearing voices in my head telling me to stay away. Whispers, in my head. It's driving me crazy. Now that FCATs are done I just want to stay home. Stay home with Sophie and relax. 

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, voices in your head? I'm not a doctor, but I think you should see one. That doesn't sound like symptoms of any allergy, virus, or bacterial infection I've ever heard of. Headaches could be caused by anything, but halucination? You don't just catch a fever and start seeing things and hearing voices.

    And if you're in pain, that usually means something's wrong. Don't just keep it to yourself, tell someone and try to find out what's wrong.
