Saturday, April 16, 2011

Guessing I should stay away

With all this weird stuff happening I'm thinking I should stay away, I've seen that message (Stay away) several times, in the notes I've been receiving. I don't know where exactly I should stay away from though. The forest? What did I do that attracted some stalker after me?

Edit: Just saw that video uploaded to my YouTube. Goddammit. Am I going schizophrenic or something? I know I never was considered a normal kid, but am I really becoming schizophrenic? cant be, its not true

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're getting counseling if you might have schizophrenia. It's a serious condition. Don't worry, George, I'll be with you through this whole thing. My brother has schizophrenia, so I understand, and I can help you. It's starts with halucinations. Eventually, you won't be able to tell what's real from what's just in your head.

    At that time, you need someone. Any close friend you can trust, to stay with you as much as possible. They'll be able to tell you what's real and what's not.
