Thursday, June 9, 2011

corrected the mistake

never too late

Friends, it seems like the posts will be coming to an end now. He does not wish for more of his actions to be documented like such. 

I thank you, readers. Only one of you seemed to have helped me during this conflict. But that's okay, as He is all I need now that he has opened his arms ready to embrace me. There were others in the way, misleading me, telling me to stay away, but I found the right path. I chose the right path.

I should finish this post. If any friends or family ever happen to come across this, I am sorry you had to experience me go through this. In the end, it was all for the best. 

He is standing over my shoulder right now as I type this. He is soothing me. It is like a massage. It is greater than a massage. 


He left the room, it depresses me to see Him go, but I know he's with me still. Somebody just knocked at my front door, wonder who it is. Maybe it's mother. She said she was out getting help. Don't know what that help could be. I'm obviously doing very well at the moment. Going to go answer the door.

June 9th 2011: At peace

i am content now.
not entirely torched 
close enough

you have done well

thank you

School is finally over. I am at peace now. For at least the next three months.

It took me a while to realize it, but He has helped me. Since the beginning, although I did not know it, He helped me. with His guidance I gradually learned to understand school in a way I prefer.

years of wishing
He finally came to me

He is part of me, and not part of me. He has guided me even when He could not be with me physically. with His presence I am able to get away

get away from it all
get away with it
nobody's stopping me-,svj us

it is finished


one final deserved post for this small audience


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8th 2011: I have had it

The doctors diagnosed me with schizophrenia

School is no place forsf asmfe iyes it is

Let me recite a conversation I overheard today when I was in the cafeteria, with the other students who exempted their 5th period final.

I'm not sitting by my friends,  because my friends didn't exempt any exams. Although I went to the table at which I usually sit at during lunch.

As usual, I began to draw, it was a parrot.
This small group of black girls were sitting at my table, next to me. They were loud speakers, so I could overhear the ignorant conversation they had.

"Hey, look at dem white kids ova der!" The more weighty, fat one said. Pointing towards the group of ESE students, the mentally-retarded students.

"Man they're the ESE kids! Why they exemptin' finals? Dem retards." The other, thinner member of the group said. I was drawing still, but I began to not be aware of what I was drawing, I was listening in on their conversation.

"Man I kill myself if my kids were retarded." The fat one said.

"Hell I'd kill them!" The thin one uttered.

The group laughed. They... Laughed.... What is wrong with them? Why... Why would they say something like that? Those... Those... I don't want to use the word, I really don't... But... They they they

They deserve to be called it. Those... Those fucking niggers
THOSE FUCKING NIGGERS. I don't care if it's considered a racist term, I know I'm not racist. I know I'm not. I'm not. I really am not.

This is why I hate school
This is why I wish I could do something about it
This is why I will do something about it
This is why

Other instances have caused me to hate school, but I have never felt this way about school. Yes, it's just the students in this instance. But it's the fact these ignoramuses are being catered to in this supposed place for academic achievement and all that other bullshit. It's the fucking last week of school and they haven't been changed. Why don't they teach us useful thigns? why don't rthey

The grading, the people, the corruption, the rfausgihaudgbf chhhln3v vxkxchbbbbbbbdd
Idasf I needed somebody, someone, or somdfething to teach school a lesson. My guardian angel, yes that's him. He sees me. He watches over me. He protects me.

I saw Sophie again today. She thought I was crazy, listening to me ramble about things; just things. She was becoming scared of my plan. She and I agreed that it was best to break up. So I did, I broke her up. I broke her up into t

Tomorrow is the last day of school. There are finals I'm meant to be taking tomorrow. I won't be taking them. I'm not exempting them. There will be at least one or two more posts tomorrow. Then I'm finished.

Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3rd 2011: Craziness

Today has been the most eventful school day this year.

Where to begin?

We were collecting our locks from the locker-room to turn them in, I went to my locker and opened the lock. I was about to just take the lock and leave, but I noticed there was something inside my locker. It was my iPhone. I've never put anything inside my locker before. Don't recall telling anyone my lock number, either. The iPhone was completely dead though, I'm charging it as I type this.

Then I turned in my text books, and went to lunch. Less than 15 minutes into lunch, I was seated at the table I usually sit at with my friends. I didn't have any food, so I was just chilling, as people would say. My eyes were directed to the left of me, on the technically right-side of the cafeteria, and I see a milk carton thrown across like four tables. Seconds after I see other various types of food being thrown across the tables, then it erupted into a food fight of epic proportions, although it only lasted like 40 seconds before students started running out. I got hit with a cup of corn, I left the war-zone with no damaging wounds, unlike those unfortunates who were stricken with a hard orange.

So the security guards got everybody to evacuate the students. No more than 5 minutes after they got all the students outside, a fight between a security guard and a student broke out. I shit you not. So many students were suspended today.

The next three periods mainly entailed of students talking about the food-fight.
But that's not all.

In geography, the last 5 minutes of class, shit happened. Some girl's nail polish bottle broke, staining her backpack. The nail polish spread across the floor, somehow. Our teacher is a nagging bitch when it comes to classroom messes. When there were paper scraps on the floor left from the class before, she acted like it was a goddamn dead body. When she saw the nail polish spread across the floor, she flipped. She kept us inside after the late bell.

For fuck's sake. What a friday. I thought this was a high school, not an elementary school.
I'm going to be spending my weekend studying for finals... Fun.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Shit, I haven't been on this in a month. Sorry, if anybody has actually noticed.
My iPhone got stolen, so I wasn't able to record anything. It's still gone...

My mother has been trying to limit computer usage because she thinks my recent displays of nervousness and paranoia has been because of my time on the internet, she says I should stop going to creepy websites and wikis. I don't remember looking at many creepy websites.

I've been hearing the voices again.
Just over and over again, in my mind.

It's a shame I wasn't able to transfer the video of me going through the children's books before it got stolen, I admit it got put off for a couple of days. I'm lazy like that. Sophie has slowly been drifting apart from me. Not me drifting away from her, but her drifting away from me. It's making me sad. Idont like it.

There's one more week until school is over, then summer begins. This week has been mostly finals cramming. My finals are on the last week of school. How fantastic. I wasn't able to exempt any of them, unfortunately. My grades are too atrocious.

Anyway, sorry about the lack of posts... Who am I kidding. You guys probably could care less about me. I'm just a crazy 16 year-old who wants to be a wrirtere nad abecomea filmakerd
nobofdhy atakes credence to dthe face that i am Short
that i'm a little weird
I'm intelligent compared to these other ignorant fucks... I don't like school because it own't teach me things i WANT to leanr

Rather, I am quite sure that school has a genuine purpose for me. Although I may not realize it, it will soon come under the light, and I will see it. I am sure to be wrong, what I am saying right now.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4th 2011: Memories coming soon

Shit. I just went through the box. I feel so unnerved looking at all these old books. I kind of... regret giving them away. One of the books had me feeling really weird... Suppose you'll see when I upload the video. However it'll have to wait for tomorrow. Internet has been going on and off lately, and it'd piss me off greatly if my upload got really far and all of a sudden the internet dies out.

Also, just a heads up. I'll try my best to update daily (every day). I can't promise you guys that, but I'll do my best. Finals are coming up, and I really should start to do more of my work. Also, my sleep schedule is pretty messed up.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3rd 2011: Yesterday and Today

Yesterday (May 2nd) I was on my way to my friend's house. I was in my mom's car. We're about to drive by that forest I visited before. What happens? My mom's car just shuts off, and it seemed to park itself right on the sidewalk in front of the forest. My mom begins to search around the car to see what's wrong. She checks the engine, and I get out of the car. The forest seemed to be calling out to me.

"Don't go too far." My mom says, looking under the hood of our car.

I ventured deeper into the forest. Seemed like I needed to go deeper (Inception joke originally not intended.), so I did. I didn't have a headache, strangely. However my eyes did seem to flicker rapidly like an old light or something.

I didn't go too far. But as far as I did get, I found something just resting on a couple sticks. It was a box full of children's books. Labeled on the box (With sharpie, of course.) was "FINDMEMORIES". Inside the box, several children's books. They were the books I made my mom give away a couple days ago. And now they're back.

My mom eventually started to get the car up and running again as soon as I approached her with the box. I told her to just forget about my friend, and go home. I'm gonna go through the books soon.

Today. Or rather, yesterday (May 3rd), I started doing my work again. More of it, at least. Mrs. Rees made me draw what I was feeling. It was a rather strange outcome. If I have time and can get access to a scanner again, I'll try and scan it. Doubt you'd be able to read it well with iPhone's camera.

Until next time.

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2nd 2011: Realizations

As I decided to rest my asshole on the bench near the bus loop, this evening during lunch, I began to realize a few things. School, what is the point of it for me? I've already gained a majority of knowledge from this wonder called the internet. Yes, yes, I know, sounds ridiculous. But come on, I'm a 16 year old kid who happens to be more intelligent than the majority of this godforsaken school. I'm not trying to sound arrogant, it is the truth. When I called some kid an 'ignoramus', he was left dumb-struck. Sometimes it makes me feel sad. Being smart. I suppose I'm not... normal. Is it really normal for a person this young to have the mind of an adult?

I get along better with adults than I do people my age. Why? Because I can talk to adults' level. In the intelligence/maturity side of things at least, I'm not exactly tall. There are few instances in which I can actually have good conversations with a few people my age, and make jokes... Those are joyous times for me.

Another thing: Girls. Finding an attractive yet intelligent girl is a good accomplishment in my book. I've come across various girls who are certainly attractive (Puberty was kind to them, either that or implants.) and flirt various times with me, but I have to 'put them off', as I just don't like being with a dim-witted person. I feel silly trying to dumb myself down just to speak to him/her. Sophie is probably the only girl I've met who is intelligent. She's beautiful, and intelligent. The greatest catch in the world. I was never one for believing that high school relationships could work out well... But damn hell do I wish it would work out.

Touching back on the internet knowledge: It is true. I've learned more things on the internet than I have in all my life in school so far. I'm going to be a filmmaker and a writer. I know I'm not perfect, I know what I need to improve on. School has never told me what I needed to exactly improve on. It has never helped me. I wish the school teachers would tell me how the stuff we're learning would be put to use in our exact careers. I'm going to be a filmmaker. I don't need goddamn quadratic formulas to help me succeed in that shit. I'm only going to need this shit in the next school year, and the school year after that, and the school year after that. When I go to university, I'm sure some math will be involved. But the majority of the courses will be on stuff I actually WANT to learn about.

Sorry about that rant there. I suppose I'm just an ignorant young fool who just doesn't understand the importance of the Holocaust they call School. (That was probably taking it a little too far, I apologize.)
I don't know about other schools, but here in this county, they give students student numbers to stick around with them forever, basically. At least as far as I know. You use these student numbers for a lot of things. Access to the media center, school events, logging online to check your grades, shit like that.

Anyway, I think I'm done now.
Sorry for the TL;DR post.

Edit: By the way, I'm about to go over to my friend's house to chill and mooch; take all his Sprite. He wants me to help him with his children's book for english class or something. Ah, children's books, the early seeds, if you will, used in school education. Wait, what? I'm still a little tired as you can see.

Dammit, forgot to talk about Mrs. Rees. It went okay. She asked me if I have feelings of killing myself. I almost snapped at her when she said that. I'm not like that. I'm not that type of person. I know i'm Not.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wait, I have a blog?

Oh right. Sorry about that, one follower. My mom grounded me from computer access.

I started drawing some things during P.E., last tuesday. We were inside, doing the book work. Well, that's what I was supposed to be doing. I had things on my mind. I began to draw a cartoon version of our coach. Coach Milo is her name, by the way. Another fat and unfit fitness teacher.

"Where are your notes?" She asked me.

"Not doing them." I continued to draw. She snatched the paper away from me and looked at it for a second  or two.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I might like to ask you the same question."

"Huh, yeah, what's wrong with me?"

"Obesity for one, lazy eye... Do you want any more?" This was the type of back-talk people expected out of me if I was having a bad day. However it's not been a bad day, more-so a bad month.

"Do you think this is appropriate for school?" She asks me.

"Do you think it's appropriate for you to snatch an artist's artwork from his hands?"

"Do you think it's appropriate to be drawing when you should be doing your work?"

"Do you think it's appropriate that a fucking fat-ass unfit woman is teaching a physical education class?"

She shut up after that. She went to the phone and called the security. I went to I.S. (internal suspension) for the rest of the day, and the next two days. Two days of staying in a room the whole seven hours.

I haven't been able to see Mrs. Rees in a week. Hopefully I'll be able to go tomorrow.

And, I've not been seeing many weird things lately. I've been doing better. But I still want to know what that note means ("onefinalvisit").

Side note: 16 more days until L.A. Noire! Fuck yes!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20th 2011: Peculiar Pen

No post yesterday because I truly didn't feel like posting. I was tired. Nothing really eventful happened yesterday anyway. They brought search dogs in today because of 4/20. 

I'm reading the book Anthem by Ayn Rand for English class. Of course most of the students find it boring as steamed dog shit. I admit it's not the most exciting book in the world, but it's a pretty good sci-fi story about a collective society and shit. We have the shitty student version. Stuff is cut out. I want to find the original version. 

Now about that pen: I was going through my supplies at the beginning of school, and noticed that my red pen had some piece of paper in it. I took out my phone to record it quick. I tried to get the note out for like 10 minutes, but the bell rang and soon I had to go inside my classroom. I eventually got the note out with a paper clip after school. This was written on the paper: "onefinalvisit". What could that mean?

Could someone spread this blog around please? I appreciate the one reader who comments... But I need more... MOAR!

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18th 2011: Counseling

Today I decided to go through seeking out a counselor to help with my headaches and problems. Mrs. Rees wishes to see me every day after school. More of an inconvenience towards my parents, they'll have to pick me up every day from school, but I suppose it'll have to do if I want to deal with these problems.

I don't know why we had school today. There's no school friday, I plan to hang out with some friends that day.

The substitute P.E. teacher bitched at me for not dressing out, and this is what I told her in response.

"I don't have an adequate excuse to give you, so I won't bother an attempt to make one up on the spot. In other words, I could care less."

The people sitting on the bleachers (People who don't dress out have to sit there) overheard and found it amusing.

I just fucked up also. You know how I was holding a flashlight in the power outage video? I just fucking realized my iPhone has goddamn flash that can be used as a light. Bright light too. For fuck's sake, haha.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Guessing I should stay away

With all this weird stuff happening I'm thinking I should stay away, I've seen that message (Stay away) several times, in the notes I've been receiving. I don't know where exactly I should stay away from though. The forest? What did I do that attracted some stalker after me?

Edit: Just saw that video uploaded to my YouTube. Goddammit. Am I going schizophrenic or something? I know I never was considered a normal kid, but am I really becoming schizophrenic? cant be, its not true

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15th 2011: Power Outage

Well this night has been a total shitfest. I'm afraid to go outside.

I was laying down in my bed with my laptop in an awkward position, writing a screenplay, and talking to Sophie on Skype. All of a sudden the lights and television go off, and my internet disconnects. This was at 8 PM.

I struggle to find a flashlight, using my iPhone as a flashlight to find a real flashlight before using it to record. The light in the laundry room was active, but the one in the bathroom were not. When I returned to the laundry room to make sure the lights were acting normal again, the switch got jammed and I couldn't turn it back on.

Back in the bathroom I start hearing shuffling, like foliage shaking, or something. When I do a double-take at the window, I see that same figured guy from before. He was looking at me. He wasn't there the second before. But then he was. And then he wasn't. I swear to god I saw him.

My parents wake up and are concerned about the power outage. We knock on the door of our neighbor's (We live in a duplex), and ask them about the power. Their lights and TV are on.

I return to my bedroom and notice a piece of paper under my pillow.
I'm too lazy to take a picture or record it, but it was in the same manner of the previous notes.
"CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT" was written on it, instead this time the piece of paper was flat; not crumpled.

It seemed as soon as I finished reading that message, the lights returned back to normal.

I really need to know someone is reading this. I can't take talking to a wall much longer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 14th 2011: Tomorrow

Sorry about last night.

Tomorrow is the date that was included in the PowerPoint. I don't know what to expect.
Coach Klein and Mr. Smith are still missing. The principal came to our classrooms to tell the class that she and he were "fired" for "skipping too many days", though I'm sure nobody knows what that truly means. We have new permanent teachers now.

Still trying to shelter myself from all this depression. Still playing video games and watching television.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12th 2011: What am I seeing

God I'm so tired.

This pain is getting unbearable. I swear to god my pain was making me see things today, somehow.
I managed to finish the FCAT today, but I vomited midway. My teacher said she should call the clinic but I just kept saying I was fine. I don't know what is happening to me, or why it's happening all of a sudden. I keep hearing voices in my head telling me to stay away. Whispers, in my head. It's driving me crazy. Now that FCATs are done I just want to stay home. Stay home with Sophie and relax. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11th 2011: FCAT shenanigans

Today was part one of the FCAT. Probably one of the most frustrating and annoying days of my life. All throughout the testing, my headache continued to torment me. I'm hearing ringing noises more often than usual. It was so hard to focus. I didn't even finish. I think I had like ten more questions. I didn't bother just filling in any random answer.

My loud panting disturbed people around me, and my teacher asked if I felt okay. As much as I'd like to say no, I just told her that it was no problem, that it was just the air in the room.

I just want FCATs to be over with.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Getting there

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was getting some rest. I've been having headaches, but I'm getting better. I occasionally hear some ringing sounds, but my ears have always been doing that.

Sophie's really making me happy, and getting me through this pain. It's probably just silly teenage love, but I have deep feelings for her.

Why must I beee a teenager in looove?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 7th 2011: Video Games

Buried the cat today. To make things happier I'm sheltering myself with video games.

Goddamn, the new L.A. Noire trailer kicks some fucking ass. Been waiting for this game since 2006, and this shit looks amazing.

Wish my brother would let me use his PS3; I'd want to get LAN on PS3 since it was originally an exclusive.

Think I'll buy it for Xbox 360 if both versions are equal.
Portal 2 and Duke Nukem Forever looks great too.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6th 2011: WHAT THE FUCK

I'm seriously freaking out right now. First off, my PowerPoint presentation went horrible. I swear to god the file I had saved on my flash drive wasn't edited from its topic about herpes. I went to the school library before school started to make sure everything was working fine. I browsed the internet for a little while and the bell rang so I walked off to my class. About ten minutes of generic presentations, waiting to be called up. Mr. Horner calls my name and I plug my flash drive into the old iBook laptop connected to the projector. I'm confused as the name of the PowerPoint file changed from "herpespresentation" to "awarningforyougeorge".

I double click on the file and what am I greeted to? Pictures of a dead, mutilated cat covering the slides.
I quickly try to scramble through the slides as Mr. Horner quickly approaches the computer to unplug my flash drive and tell me to sit down. The cat looked awfully familiar to my cat, a chartreux.

It was an awkward day all around. I went to the library after school to revisit the PowerPoint. I have no idea how that shit got changed, because I'm literally 100% sure I changed absolutely NOTHING from the original herpes presentation.

I walk home with Sophie (We're getting really close, I'm wondering if boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is a possibility), and told her what happened. We have to separate a couple blocks away from my house as her house is in a cul-de-sac. I jog home to enter my house with my mother actually home, telling me unfortunate news.

Before she can tell me that unfortunate news, I see the unfortunate news for myself. There lay my cat Marcus, on a beach towel on the floor.

This is some scary shit and I don't know what to think. So much weird shit has been happening lately.

I've uploaded the PowerPoint to mediafire for some followers out there to investigate... If I truly have any followers. Seems like I'm talking to a wall. I've removed the mutilated cat pictures from the presentation as I'm sure no one (including me) wants to see that shit.

That picture seems to be taken out my window, but I have no recollection of ever taking any photos outside my front yard at night.
I don't know what the fuck that date means, but I'll certainly keep my eyes open.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5th 2011: Fainting at school

I don't know what the fuck caused what happened at school today. It was a pretty smooth day as usual. I had few hours of sleep today so I took my usual nap in 7th period. It started raining mid-7th period. The bell rings and I make my way downstairs to the bus loop. I've been meaning to do a demo reel of my iPhone footage for a while now, so I figured I'd pull out my iPhone to record some stuff. Soon after I started recording I began to feel sick; and there were some faint ringing noises I could hear. I tried to clear my throat as my nose began to feel really weird, apparently I had a nosebleed according to the nurse. I felt more and more light-headed as I dropped to the ground. 

I can remember just laying on the floor for a good fifteen seconds as people began to clamor around me. Several friends and curious girls crowded up around me, and I don't know what exactly I saw, but I got a glance of someone just standing in the background; half of his body blocked by the bus that was parked in front of it. He was just standing there, didn't seem to be moving at all. My eyes were getting quite blurry at the time, so perhaps what I saw was just some regular kid who looked bizarre and tall through my damaged vision. Could be a teacher or some other adult, not even seniors here look that tall.

I don't know if I'm going to school tomorrow, but I probably will have to. There's a big PowerPoint project due in Biology. KeyNote > PowerPoint, for the record.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Don't know what the hell happened that night. Just remember going to sleep in my bed, then waking up in the laundry room with my iPhone recording in my right hand, and a piece of paper in my left hand. This is some confusing shit. I don't know if it's a prank or not; my brother just sits behind his computer all day.

The drawing I found on my door was one of the drawings I had with me in my pocket when I went to the forest; although it was outlined with the Sharpie pen.

The note had like, I think, eleven of those weird symbols, or twelve if you count the one that was torn off.

No school monday. FCAT is the week of April 11th.  Fucking sucks.

I'd like to go to bed, but I'll be honest, I'm a little scared right now. I think I'll just re-watch the Yogscast Minecraft series again. Always entertaining and keeps me up through the night.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


just woke up, thhere seeems to be quite a bit of darknesss. Eeverything is making mee flassh, mmy

need water

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30th 2011: The forest

I went to the forest an hour ago.

Nothing of too much interest there except I kept thinking I was being seen by like, a police man or something. I tried recording a video but when I watched over the footage on the way home, there was a lot of distortion again and I kept getting a message about the file being corrupt.

I took a nap when I got home. Hour long nap. Thinking of going back to sleep after I post this.

I looked at the local news again, apparently the eleven people who were at the fitness camp are reported missing now; one woman who went to the fitness camp was found wandering in the streets for help, with bloody gashes on her stomach. She's alive, but obviously injured. Freaky shit.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29th 2011: I'm going to the forest

Well, last night with Sophie went pretty good. I won't say anything more or go into detail, it just went pretty good.

Mr. Smith and Ms. Klein weren't here, again. I'm getting really curious. I've decided that I'm going to the forest where that camp was located; just to check things out. Real quick. I'm doing it tomorrow. I've got a lot of homework to do and I'm pretty hungry. I'm not yet sure if I want to record my search, but I'll have my iPhone with me in case I do.

I'm thinking of making a Twitter; for fast(er) updates. Still wondering if there's more than five people who follow this blog though...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Regarding Mr. Smith

I just got off the phone with one of my friends. I mentioned Mr. Smith to him; and apparently Mr. Smith told his class that he was going to that fitness camp. I don't know why he'd want to go. He's not fat or obese. I guess he wanted his 40-50 year old body to build muscles. I'm getting kind of curious. I really hate my cases of curiosity. Even something small like, a small noise, I have to go check it out. I'm not yet sure if I want to go to where the camp was located to investigate. I'm not a detective or a private eye, although I'm quite excited by that type of stuff in the movies.

Anyway, it's just starting to rain. I don't think I'll be able to make it to Sophie's house, so I asked if she would be able to come over here. My parents are usually never home in the afternoon. Not even here on my birthday. Sophie says she can make it probably.

March 28th 2011: Birthday fight

So, today's my birthday. What better way to celebrate it than get in a fight?

Unfortunately I got into it involuntarily. I wanted to stay home today. My mother wouldn't let me.
I was waiting for the bell to ring so I could enter my fourth period class. Word has spread that it was my birthday and Christian came to fuck around with me. Christian is a short kid with a voice that resembles a mouse. He came up to me and said

"Happy birthday. That's like, 13 years of being alive! Congrats!" When he said this I was beginning to get fed up.

"Shut the fuck up you loudmouth dipshit. I told you once and I'll tell you again, go be a faggot somewhere else." I said. Students began to clamor around us.

"Shut up, you're ugly." He had used that reply at least three thousand times this school year.

"Shut up, you're a faggot." I said this as I saw that one girl I mentioned before. She saw us and came to a stop to watch. Christian couldn't take being called a faggot so he leapt at me like a frog.

"Man, fuck this!"

And so we engaged in the fight. He got a few small pathetic hits on me that felt like mere slaps, and then I grabbed his head and forced it against the wall behind me. He was cursing and then started to shed tears. I then realized I didn't want to get in trouble this day; so I kneed him in the testicular area and then pretended as if I was knocked to the ground. Security came and asked what was going on, then took Christian away as he attempted to strike me again. I got up, and stood there as security walked away with Christian. I had just gotten away with being in a fight.

The girl seemed to be in awe, had a smile on her face as she stared at me. Students began to commend me, patting me on the shoulder. The girl came up to me and started talking to me.

"What did he do?"

"He decided to be annoying like usual."

"That was impressive... Are you a sophomore?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Sophomore. - What's your name?"

"George. George Strickler." I don't know why I felt the need to tell her my full name. Perhaps I had hopes she would add me on Facebook later.

"Oh, I've heard about you. I'm Sophie."

We talked for a good, well, two minutes before the final bell rang and she had to hurry off to class. Things went pretty good today. I got her phone number and I'm going to her house later today. I was called up to the principal's office to give them my story, and I still ran off scott-free (That's the correct term, right?). I'm currently the talk of the school. I feel good.

As for the rest of my birthday, I got a new computer monitor and a Nintendo 3DS from my grandmother, along with money. The 3DS is pretty damn cool.

Mr. Smith wasn't here again. Nobody knows where he went.

I also heard something about that fitness camp being closed in less than three days. I could care less, but it makes me wonder why Ms. Klein wasn't here today if it was closed already.

Probably the most interesting day in the whole school year.
I have doubts that tomorrow will be any more interesting/exciting.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The bus ride home

Still going through my phone's camera roll, I found this. It seems to be taken on the school bus I ride to and from school. It seems like the video was taken as the bus was on the way to the corner at which the second bus stop is; it's very close to my home. I'm a tad confused because I don't remember taking any of this footage. Also worth noting that the video came as is - clips cut and mashed together. A bus ride home usually takes about 15-25 minutes, and this video is 3 minutes long. Really confused right now.

In other news. I watched The Fighter today. It was pretty good. I love me some Boyston accents. Christian Bale is amazing.

iPhone footage

Looking through my camera roll on my iPhone, turns out I took a bunch of footage. I'm currently going through all of them and checking to see if they're anything interesting... So far I've just had an 8 second clip  recorded in the cafeteria. 

Will keep you all posted on anything new/interesting. Trying to enjoy my weekend.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The quiz

Here's that quiz I talked about last post. Boy does the shitty quality on my iPhone's video camera make my small hands look more brown skinned than usual.

March 25th 2011: FRAIDAY

Another foggy morning. The photo was taken at about 6:40AM. Today went pretty okay. Just one strange thing which I'll get to in a moment.

I just realized, that same girl I talked about a while ago, I noticed how every time I see her, she gives me a glance for a good 3 seconds and then continues looking straight forward... Probably looking too into this, but as far as I can tell I can get her attention. If her attention towards me is because I'm handsome or because I'm ugly I'm not yet sure.

I wrote this paragraph for English class; I had to write two paragraphs: One paragraph about how I like school and another about how I hate school. I personally think you'd only be interested in how I hate school:

Acidic scents from the human waste left behind by obese women escaped from the bathrooms into the dimly-lit hallways. As I walk around the vast interior of this prison, I realize school is as useless as Rebecca Black's existence. My thoughts, the only intelligent thoughts available in this godforsaken school, are drowned out by the wails and chatter of hundreds of students whose main goal is to have sex despite their age not meeting the legal age of consent. Three more years until I can go to Full Sail University and forget most everything learned in school to learn things that will actually benefit me in my filmmaking career.

Hope you enjoyed that. It faired well with the class when I shared it.

Anyway, now to describe the weird thang.
In my algebra class, Mr. Smith wasn't here today, for like, the first time all school year; however the substitute was told to give back our graded quiz we took yesterday. There was some weird shit on it. I'll have a video of it up possibly later today; maybe you'll even hear my voice.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24th 2011: The yearbook

Started work on the yearbook today. They wanted me to take pictures of the school, and made sure that I "capture its good side". Yep.

I did my best to capture its good side as some other students who were walking to class started screwing around in front of the camera. I brought about 20+ photos to the teacher in charge of the yearbook class and she asked if I could record an interview for her, as the usual camera person wasn't here today.

I accepted, and went to the front of the cafeteria entrance doors, where the interview was taking place.
Ronald (the interviewer) was interviewing my HOPE coach (it's basically physical education); Ms. Klein. She's an obnoxious woman who resembles that old woman from that one George Lopez show. Even sounds like her. She was talking about how she's holding a new fitness camp nearby the school. Apparently she's going to be absent tomorrow and the entire next week. Pretty much everyone who has Ms. Klein was so happy, including me.

The recording of the interview was pretty simple. I just pointed the Sony video camera at them the whole time... No flashy cinematography or anything. Maybe I'll take up being the cameraman for interviews as my career!

Fuck no

All that recording seemed to be pretty fucked up when it premiered on the morning broadcast however.  Bunch of static noises and weird distortion. The video quality was fine for like the first five seconds but then the color changed to some type of blue filter. Audio got kind of messed up, but you could still hear the interview. The cameras our school has are old as caveman shit and so are the overall equipment, so I'm guessing that was the cause.

Well, that's like 9 service hours for me. My first service hours. Still got another 30 or so to do in order to graduate in 2013.

See you all tomorrow, I drew something again today, and I'll try to scan that later and post it on here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Great family-friendly artwork

Drew this in class during a movie.

I just love drawing stuff that makes people all pissed. I noticed I screwed up the guy's hand at the bottom. That's what happens when you draw half-asleep in the dark.

March 23rd 2011: More about me

Today was like any other day unfortunately: Shit. The regular shit. The shit that has become normal. The shit that has become standard for me. Though the weather was odd today. Great amount of fog outside; I don't even remember seeing anything about fog being mentioned on the Weather Channel this week.

In English today that one poser kid Christian started messing with me again.

"Boom." He made a gun out of his small hand and pretended to shoot me while I was sitting in my chair, quiet, doing my work.
In which I replied with "Go be a faggot somewhere else." One of the few rare times when I actually speak out what I was thinking. The other students acted like, well, high school students. They exclaimed "Aw shit!" and "Tried!" among others. Christian felt like a jackass and just sat down.

I'm often the center of attention because I'm so quiet in my classes. I don't know what caused me to be so quiet in school nowadays. I remember my first day of school; kindergarten. I was sitting criss-cross apple sauce and all that bullshit being quiet, folded hands and all that sort; while all the others kids were loud and obnoxious.

Think that's it for today. I'll be doing that yearbook nonsense tomorrow. Enjoy this wonderful song by the Dead Kennedys.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22nd 2011

Today was a decent day. It was a no-7 (Don't know if other schools have it; basically we have 7 periods but only go to 6 each day and switch it around.), so no Biology. I don't know why people hate the teacher there, sure he's got a monotone voice but he's hilarious in our class.

The day ended with period 6; Government. We just worked on a long worksheet about the disaster in Japan, and answered questions. Our teacher was crying so we were waiting outside the classroom for 2 minutes after the final bell. Turns out her bank account was charged twice and now she can't pay her mortgage or some shit,  I don't know. Shame, I guess.

"You crying for her?" I say to one of my friends.
He chuckles. "Hell no."

Yeah, not many people like her. Ms. Hollinger can be a bi-polar bitch sometimes. She doesn't teach. We haven't learned anything out of the curriculum in weeks. All we do for grades are current events and vocabulary, with the occasional world map. I rarely do the work, however. I wonder if she can get fired for many complaints.

The other classes were okay as well.

I keep seeing this one girl on the way to 4th period; wondering if she's in her first or second year. I feel like a creep for talking about her on here, but whatever. I only intend to show this blog to a select few friends and internet pals.

The girl's beautiful, I don't know her name because she's not in any one of my classes. Why is it always the ones I'm attracted to are not in any of my classes? It increases the difficulty of me trying to get acquainted with the girl. So far my "tactic" is just hoping I see the girl walking home and I ask her what grade is she in; and get in a conversation.

Anyway, I'm starting work on the yearbook thursday. Unsure of what exactly I'm doing, but I think I'm doing an interview.

It's 1:40 AM, watching videos of the Yogscast (I fucking love Minecraft), I aught to log off here and fall asleep to Lewis and Simon's soothing voices. I'll be back at 3 or 4 PM to report how school went.

Welcome, I guess

Been thinking of doing a blog for a little while now. Don't know why. Just feels good to spit out random nonsense to a few people who feel like sitting behind their computer screen who read about people's oh-so-interesting lives. The name's George Strickler. I go to Coral Glades High School in Florida. Really corrupted school; and as you would guess from the name, it's located by the Everglades. You can probably Google a few pictures of it. You can see it's a pretty nicely designed school from the exterior, but on the inside there's shit waiting to be faced. There's no auditorium or whatever you call it; we hold plays and "concerts" in the cafeteria. I'm currently in my 2nd year here. Still sick of it.

Interesting electives this year though; I've got Introduction to Film (Fuck yeah), Photography (Sweet), and Spanish I (Shit). So far it's been pretty fun. I've recently been tasked with helping out with the school yearbook and broadcast, for service hours (You need like 36 service hours in order to graduate). I really hate the requirements. I did horrible freshmen year as it is, but I've got all this other crap to do.

I really hate school (If you haven't noticed). I can't wait to be done with this shit and just go to university (Full Sail University), and learn/do what I want to do. And that's filmmaking and other arts. Not doing a bunch of pointless math that can be solved with a computer or figuring out how organisms work. Never going to use that shit.

Anyway, this post is becoming borderline TL;DR, so I'll just end it here and I'll begin writing the next post talking about how Tuesday went.